Sales Kickoffs

When I walked out of Sales Kickoff (SKO) at the start of every calendar year, I always asked myself these 7 questions:

  1. Did I walk away with “tips and tricks” or a real system?
  2. How relevant to my business is this “in the box” methodology?
  3. Can I adapt what was presented to my actual daily work flow?
  4. Can I REMEMBER what the trainer said when I’m in the “Heat of Battle” on the phone?
  5. Can I actually DO what the trainer told me to do in the “Heat of Battle” on the phone?
  6. Do the “tips & tricks” that were presented actually work?
  7. Does this “new golf swing” & methodology work better than my current one?

Geared to answer these questions, Flip the Script SKO was designed not only to break the rules of a "Traditional SKO" in it's format, chemical makeup, aim, & goal... But to also drive home a repeatable system that’s easy for your reps to use once the magic of SKO is over, the glitter of the day has settled, & temporary motivation of kick-off has all died down.

A real playbook that scales, tactical skills that just work, and most importantly a system that lasts, a partnership with Flip the Script for SKO yields a detailed guidebook for messaging that will not only drive the outcomes your team craves, but the results they need that will last throughout the entirety of 2021.

So take a peek at the options below, pick a package that best suits the needs & style of your team, and let's kick this off! (literally)

Full Day

Four, 90-Minute Sessions + Four Q&A

Aiming to arm reps to walk out of SKO with a plan, this package combines a comprehensive look into ALL of the plays you can run as an org, how to run those plays to scale high quality conversations, and tactical skills to get the results you crave in 2021.


Half Day

Two, 90-Minute Sessions + Two Q&A

Honing in on the tactical skills that just work + a reliable & repeatable system that makes it easy and breezy to deploy, this package aims to enable reps with a new process that breaks down the elements of a playbook, delivers all of the fresh sales plays they can use in 2021 & the skills on the phone and over email to drive conversion through higher quality conversations the minute they walk out of SKO.


Lightning In a Bottle

One, 90-Minute Session + One Q&A

Spanning anything from Cold Calling & Emailing, to a list of fresh Sales Plays, to Objection Handling, to Personalization at Scale, this package aims to infuse energy + tactical skill + a playbook so your team walks away from SKO with a methodology, tactical tips & a reliable system that will help them drive more pipeline than ever before in 2021.


Let’s Kick This Off, Literally

What Can We Help You With